Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I have a confession... I never thought I'd give in and create a blog! In fact, I was determined not to. I have come up with every excuse in the book - I don't have time, I'm not a good writer, people aren't interested in what I'm doing, etc. etc. etc. Well, here I am, eating my words and creating my first ever blog post. This isn't just big, it's HUGE!!!

I'm a rookie pro triathlete, mom of four (and very happily married I must add), the current PTA President at Indian Hills Elementary School, a coach for Girls on the Run, a FRIEND, and HUGE cheerleader for my kids in anything they do!!! How in the world could I blog?! There is no more time in the day... Or is there?

This is my latest challenge - finding the time to run my blog. It's the last and final component to complete me as a Professional Triathlete. I have to do it... The sponsors want it, and much to my surprise, I have been humbled to learn that there actually are people out there that follow me and want to know what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. We all know a good athlete loves a good challenge, and I'm no exception. SO, to this challenge, I say GAME ON!!!

I hope to be able to interest, help, inspire and at the very least, give you a glimpse into the life and mind of an energetic and crazy mom with a burning desire to see what this old body can do, and show others that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Coming Soon....

This blog is a work in progress, just like me. Check back soon for more!